A Typical Day


The ANS curriculum is centered around the needs and interests of each child and the group. We value each child and nurture her/his emotional, social, physical and intellectual development. In addition to the regular daily schedule, we go on monthly field trips and we hold special events throughout the school year to celebrate the diversity of our community and offer children and staff a deeper understanding and appreciation of our varying cultures and experiences.

We celebrate, in simple ways, various special occasions: children's birthdays, Halloween, Days of the Dead, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, Martin Luther King's Birthday. Whenever possible, we will inform parents in advance of these special events. In addition, if parents would like to share a holiday or tradition, they can plan this with the teachers.


Daily Schedule

Regular Day 

  • 8:30  Children arrive for regular day. Free choice time.

  • 9:40  Clean up time

  • 9:45  Washing hands

  • 9:50  Snack time

  • 10:10  Bathroom time - toilet or diaper change

  • 10:15  Outdoors

  • 11:10  Cleanup time

  • 11:15  Washing Hands

  • 11:20  Circle time and song / small groups

  • 11:50  Book time and story

  • 12:05  Washing hands

  • 12:10  Lunchtime

  • 12:30  Bathroom time - toilet or diaper change

  • 12:40  Set up mats / story tapes / look at books

  • 1:00  Rest time and quiet music

  • 2:00  Put away blankets and mats / quiet activities for non-sleepers

  • 2:25  Wake up sleepers / clean up

  • 2:30  Washing hands and snack

  • 2:45  Good byes

Extended Day

  • 3:00  Free choice time / Outdoors (indoors if rainy or too cold)

  • 3:55  Washing hands

  • 4:00  Snack

  • 4:15  Story

  • 4:30  Small manipulative toys, puzzles

  • 5:30  Good-byes